Thermal imaging
All objects have a certain temperature and emit waves of energy, invisible to the naked eye, called infrared radiation (IR). Generally speaking hot objects emit more energy than cold objects. A thermal imager creates a viewable image from the IR waves, showing a “heat picture” of a scene.

• Thermal imaging for inspection
Thermal imaging is used for inspection in a variety of industries due to the ability to detect what would otherwise be invisible, in a non-intrusive, non-destructive manner.
Thermal imaging technology was originally developed for the defense industry and is used for military and security applications. Common applications of thermal imaging include non-intrusive inspection of plumbing, electrical systems and insulation. Thermal imaging is also used by firefighters to find, for example, trapped people in smoke-filled buildings, as well as in commercial aviation, ensuring precision approaches and safe landings in reduced visibility conditions such as night, thick fog, smog, heavy rain and snow.
• Dynamic Infra-Red for he pharmaceutical industry
Despite strict quality assurance guidelines and regulations, outdated packaging line inspection and qaulity control methods still permeate the pharmaceutical industry - marking it ripe for the change DIR Technologies offers.
Because sampling isn’t enough
Because one leak is too many